BSA’s objective is to use electrical engineering skill & experience
to build a better world for all of us to enjoy.
To make decisions about how we work, we rely upon values.
The values that underpin the operation of BSA are reliability, Safety & Innovation, Inclusion, and Sustainability.
Reliably delivering high quality engineering outcomes. On time. Just as you expected.
Safety & Innovation
Safely looking for better ways to do things, improving and being careful at the same time.
Valuing people, in ways that are inclusive, positive, collaborative, and energetic. Leave no-one out.
Working toward sustainable power systems (e.g., BSA doesn’t work in fossil fuels).
BSA Power Systems Engineering is delivering reliable, high quality protection engineering results in the energy sector with a clear and deliberate focus on the development of infrastructure that will support the transition to a renewable energy driven power system.

AKA 'elevator pitch'
Since 2018, BSA has been delivering results in solar farm projects, industrial projects and brownfield replacement programs for clients that own, operate, build, and maintain a variety of HV, MV and LV power systems.
BSA’s offering for all HV, MV and LV plant includes:
- Engineering of protection settings.
- Development of suitable, compliant protective systems.
- Arc Flash Hazard (AFH) studies.
- Power system modelling, planning, and development.
- Project management for electrical works.
- Owner/Client engineer partnerships.
Ryan Hudson ( BE-Elec, Adv. Dip – PM, MBA, RPEng, RPEQ #24875 ) is owner and Director of BSA, an engineering consultancy that makes use of a strong network of professionals to deliver high value results for clients. Ryan has deep experience in managing operations, engineering functions and power systems assets through his 18 years working in Ausgrid and EnergyAustralia.
Because we have done this before...
The list of projects being successfully delivered by BSA is growing faster than the rate at which we update this website. The following lists are intended to give you a picture of BSA's proven capabilities (and, in no particular order):
- West Wyalong 90MW Solar Farm / Detailed HV and MV protection coordination study
- Wyalong 53 MW Solar Farm
- Detailed HV and MV protection coordination study
- Short circuit study
- Winton 106MW Solar Farm
- Detailed HV and MV protection coordination study
- Winton 106MW Solar Farm / Arc Flash Hazard Study (all AC and DC systems)
- Goonumbla 70MW Solar Farm / Detailed HV and MV protection coordination study
- University of Newcastle
- Planned brownfield replacement of 11kV switchboard and protection study
- University of Newcastle / Development of electrical asset replacement master plan
- University of Newcastle / Detailed HV and MV protection coordination study (in progress)
- Moorebank Logistic Precinct
- East Precinct / Detailed MV protection coordination study
- Moorebank Logistic Precinct / East Precinct 3MW solar array / Connection negotiations
- Moorebank Logistic Precinct / East Precinct 3MW solar array / Protection engineering & settings
- Moorebank Logistic Precinct / West Precinct / Client Engineer / Concept Design for 33/11kV Substation
- Moorebank Logistic Precinct / West Precinct / Client Engineer / System planning and development
- Moorebank Logistic Precinct / West Precinct / Client Engineer / Factory Acceptance Testing
- Woolooga 176MW Solar Farm
- Owners Engineer / Options development
- Woolooga 176MW Solar Farm / Detailed HV and MV protection coordination study
- Department of Defence / Singleton Military Area / Protection study for 3x 11/0.4kV Kiosks
- Holcim / Blacktown Concrete Products / Arc Flash Hazard Study
- Sydney Water / Bondi Wastewater & TP /
- Detailed HV and LV protection coordination study
- Arc Flash Hazard Study
- Microsoft / SYD09 Data Centre / Detailed HV and LV protection coordination study
- Marshall Energy Corp. / Marshall Islands / Protection System Review & Consulting Services
- Darlington Point Solar Farm / Arc Flash Hazard Study (all AC and DC systems
- Parkes Kelpie Pet Foods / Protection study for 2x 11/0.4kV Kiosks
- Bankstown Airport / Protection study for 2x 11/0.4kV Kiosks
- Bankstown Airport / Protection study for 250kW LV solar array
The energy story in 2019
(this is a summary of a presentation given by BSA to the 6th High Voltage Conference in Brisbane, 2019)
According to AEMO, by 2035, the vast majority of coal fired power stations on the Australian NEM will be decommissioned. Those that will remain at that time are small and are distant from major load centres. By 2050, there won't be any at all.
Is coal the way forward? BHP and Glencore are significant miners who own and operate vast thermal coal interests. These are serious mining businesses and they dominate the domestic thermal coal industry, but both have recently stated that they do not see investment in coal as viable. This is a signal, a clear signal, that investment in coal, either to dig it up or to burn it, is fast becoming a fantasy. The money is going elsewhere. The banks are walking away from fossil fuels. Adani is proposing to self fund their Carmichael Coal Mine because they can't secure the cash.
Here is my favourite equation at the moment: 2035-2019=16.
There are presently exactly zero CFPS projects in the planning pipeline. It takes something like 15 to 20 years from concept-to-commissioning for one of these projects. This means that replacing the CFPS fleet that presently underpins the NEM will not be realised in time, even if you can secure the investment. One could be forgiven for running about like Chicken Little in fear of a looming energy crisis.
And let's not forget, according to Bloomberg, we are all going to be parking and charging electric vehicles by the mid '30's, so electrical loads are forecast to increase not decrease.
Whatever your politics, with or without your permission; the energy industry is changing, and this is an exciting time to be an electrical engineering consultant.
Our core Competencies
Drawing on the deep experience present within BSA, the following core competencies are listed. None of the items on this list are contracted out, these are all in-house capabilities that BSA has been successfully providing for clients and partners:
- Protection settings and calculations, grading studies and reporting
- Concept design, optimisation, and operation of protection systems
- Specification of instrument transformers (CTs and VTs)
- Arc flash hazard studies and mitigation of hazards
- Operational management of substations and power systems
- Fault analysis and restoration
- Development and auditing of testing and commissioning systems
- Client/Owners engineer partnering
- Asset performance assessment and system modelling
- Options and recommendations development and reporting
- Project management services for HV substation electrical works
More Info
Who is behind the wheel...

About the Director
Over the years I have done things that have allowed me to call myself things:
- Bachelor of Engineering (electrical)
- Advanced Diploma Programme Management
- Masters of Business Administration
- Registered Professional Engineer (RPeng), RPEQ (no. 24875)
Just as importantly, I have also done things and been a part of things, that have given me understanding of things that matter:
- Good, effective, open communication
- Functional teamwork that delivers safe and reliable results
- Reliable delivery of quality results
- Predictable and clearly defined outcomes
And in case you are interested, I also do other things:
- Riding motorcycles (2022 cobalt blue Triumph Bonneville T120)
- Working for the NSW State Emergency Service (SES)
- Swimming lap after lap after lap (Newcastle ocean baths, Merewether too)
- Surfing
- Fatherhood and family
- Snow skiing

Science can amuse and fascinate us all,
but it is engineering that changes the world.
Isaac Asimov
Why 'Blue Sky'?
So glad you asked. It is an odd name for a protection engineering consultancy.
Blue Sky days are an Australian icon, and a great resource.
And even as climate change impacts are showing up as droughts, floods and fires... we need some hope and some optimism, we need some Blue Sky Thinking.
These clear endless skies, bright blue sunny days, they are characteristic of our Australian lifestyle, which we celebrate and enjoy whether mowing the lawn, having a body-bash at the beach, or trying to cut a blackened snag on a paper plate with a plastic fork and knife and getting sauce all over your coleslaw at a barbie. They are also great days for harvesting energy.
Why not make Blue Sky Mining a positive thing?
This is why Blue Sky Australia (aka BSA Power System Engineering) exists, to support the transition of our electricity network toward future focused energy supply, making our Blue Skies a positive for everyone.
Because we can. And it is possible.

(thanks to the Oils for an iconic song and album cover)
There is a lot of work to do to bring about change.
BSA is here to do it's part in changing the energy landscape for the better.

This photo is from Cardrona in New Zealand, and it used to be the banner for this website. The photo was taken with my iPhone while I was skiing with my family. The sky was blue, the rays of the sun are blue.
Transforming our energy sector means that snow covered peaks will still be available for our children to enjoy with their children when they take them skiing.
Because we can. And it is possible.
© Copyright Skeleton Tree Pty Ltd 2024